Milton Ulladulla District Camera Club

The Milton Ulladulla District Camera Club is a friendly community group of keen amateur photographers.

We meet to continue our education in photography, inspire each other and develop our skills.

Photographers of all skill levels are very welcome to join us. It is a great way to connect socially in our local community.

Come along as a visitor to see if you would like to join


// Action for CLUBS
About our club

About Us

Located on the beautiful South Coast of NSW, the Milton Ulladulla District Camera club welcomes anyone to join with an interest in photography


Join our Club Upcoming Events - hover your mouse over for details
6:30 pm Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Oct 28 @ 6:30 pm
These events are delivered from a WordPress event plugin called AllinOne Events.  Most useful is the ability to set up a repeating event so that each of your regular events are displayed as they come[...]
6:30 pm Learning Evening @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Learning Evening @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Nov 11 @ 6:30 pm
These events are delivered from a WordPress event plugin called AllinOne Events.  Most useful is the ability to set up a repeating event so that each of your regular events are displayed as they come[...]
6:30 pm Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Nov 25 @ 6:30 pm
These events are delivered from a WordPress event plugin called AllinOne Events.  Most useful is the ability to set up a repeating event so that each of your regular events are displayed as they come[...]
6:30 pm Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Dec 23 @ 6:30 pm
These events are delivered from a WordPress event plugin called AllinOne Events.  Most useful is the ability to set up a repeating event so that each of your regular events are displayed as they come[...]
6:30 pm Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Competition night @ Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
Jan 27 @ 6:30 pm
These events are delivered from a WordPress event plugin called AllinOne Events.  Most useful is the ability to set up a repeating event so that each of your regular events are displayed as they come[...]

Milton Ulladulla Camera Club

Welcome to the Milton Ulladulla Camera club located on the South Coast of NSW.

Looking forward to a fun and engaging 2024!

by MyPhotoClub Colin, June 1, 2019

Competitions in October 2024 – DPI are closing soon!

Competitions in October 2024 – DPI will close Monday, 14th October 2024, 11:59 PM.

Entries can be made in the following areas:

  • B Grade Theme – Weather
  • A Grade Theme – Weather
  • B Grade Open
  • A Grade Open

All members are encouraged to enter.

by , October 12, 2024

Results for competitions in September 2024 – PRINT

There were 14 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in September 2024 – PRINT

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Bare Island Sunset
Angela Kinnane – Merit & Image of the Month
A Grade Open

The Rose
Joycelyn BOWLES – Merit & Image of the Month
A Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

Castle In The Sky – Don McLean
Terence (Terry) Saur – Merit
B Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

The Wind Beneath My Wings
Trish Curotta – Merit
A Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

Gina Evans – Merit
B Grade Open

Theme Hey Diddle Diddle
Gina Evans – Merit
B Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

You will never walk alone
Angela Kinnane – Merit
A Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

Wooden Heart
Penny Tomkinson – Merit
B Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

Whatch you looking at
Christa Drysdale – Merit
A Grade Open

Restaurant Flamingo
Kim Muller – Credit
A Grade Open

Somewhere over the Rainbow
Penny Tomkinson – Credit
B Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

Puff The Magic Dragon
Ray Armstrong – Credit
A Grade Theme – Image Representing song/music

Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Sue Caine – Credit
A Grade Open

Majestic Pacific Gull
Peter Gray – Credit
B Grade Open

by Angela Kinnane, September 24, 2024

Results for competitions in August 2024 DPI

There were 18 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in August 2024 DPI

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Quiet Moments
Angela Kinnane – Merit & Image of the Month
A Grade Open

StingRay Curves
Gina Evans – Merit & Image of the Month
B Grade Theme – Curves

The Curve of Exclusion
Angela Kinnane – Merit
A Grade Theme – Curves

Very Superior Old Pale
Ray Armstrong – Merit
A Grade Theme – Curves

After The Showers
Barbara Fishley – Merit
B Grade Open

Natures Window
Charles Foreman – Credit
A Grade Open

the nest
James Buda – Credit
A Grade Open

Caught in the Act
Brigitte Nairn – Credit
A Grade Open

The Mall
Charles Foreman – Credit
A Grade Theme – Curves

James Buda – Credit
A Grade Theme – Curves

Lord Howe Magic
Angela Kinnane – Credit
A Grade Theme – Curves

Storm II
Ray Armstrong – Credit
A Grade Theme – Curves

Curvaceous Easter Monday
Nicoline Kronast – Credit
A Grade Theme – Curves

Mothers Hat
Jim Vouden – Credit
A Grade Theme – Curves

Take the Steps
Sue Caine – Credit
A Grade Theme – Curves

basking in the Anacortes sunset
Ian Reichstein – Credit
B Grade Open

curvaceous fern unfolds
Ian Reichstein – Credit
B Grade Theme – Curves

On The Right Track
Gerard Taniane – Credit
B Grade Theme – Curves

by Colin Woods, August 27, 2024

Results for competitions in July 2024 – PRINT

There were 17 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in July 2024 – PRINT

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Night Work
Trish Curotta – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Open

Old Style Fishing
Gina Evans – Merit and Image of the Month
B Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Christa Drysdale_Open_Magic Forest
Christa Drysdale – Merit
A Grade Open

Mornings in the Mist
Nicoline Kronast – Merit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

red your the odd one out
Kim Muller – Merit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Blue,white and Red USA
Kim Muller – Merit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

She’s At The Centre Of My World
Terence (Terry) Saur – Merit
B Grade Open

Evening Mist
Nicoline Kronast – Credit
A Grade Open

All gassed out
Kim Muller – Credit
A Grade Open

Tower Splicing
Trish Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Vivid Harmony
Angela Kinnane – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

James Buda – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

lily livid
James Buda – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Dont forget your Hat and Coat
Jim Vouden – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Spinning Reels
Gina Evans – Credit
B Grade Open

Making Music
Colleen Hume – Credit
B Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Unusual Combination
Barbara Fishley – Credit
B Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

by Angela Kinnane, July 24, 2024

Results for competitions in June 2024 – PRINT

There were 16 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in June 2024 – PRINT

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

The Slow Road Home
Fiona Huddleston – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Open

Tree with a front row seat
Penny Martel – Merit and Image of the Month
B Grade Theme – Silhouettes

Painted in Shades of Pink & Purple
Nicoline Kronast – Merit
A Grade Open

proseco van
James Buda – Merit
A Grade Open

The Essentials of Life
Fiona Huddleston – Merit
A Grade Theme – Silhouettes

Enoki Mushroom Wreath
Fiona Huddleston – Merit
A Grade Theme – Silhouettes

James Buda – Merit
A Grade Theme – Silhouettes

Selfie at Sunset
Kim Muller – Merit
B Grade Theme – Silhouettes

Under my Umbrella
Penny Martel – Merit
B Grade Theme – Silhouettes

Prawn Supper
Trish Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Silhouettes

did you see that sunset ?
John Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Silhouettes

James Buda – Credit
A Grade Theme – Silhouettes

Duck Patrol
Christa Drysdale – Credit
A Grade Theme – Silhouettes

All Curled Up
Kim Muller – Credit
B Grade Open

Floating Road
Terence (Terry) Saur – Credit
B Grade Open

Our Time
Barbara Fishley – Credit
B Grade Theme – Silhouettes

by Angela Kinnane, June 25, 2024

Results for competitions in May 2024 DPI

There were 19 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in May 2024 DPI

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Superb Lyrebird
Dawn Woods – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Open

A Gentle Boy
Trish Curotta – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Theme – Portrait

Unspoiled Wilderness
Fiona Huddleston – Merit
A Grade Open

Afternoon Delight
Nicoline Kronast – Merit
A Grade Open

Theme Penny
Barry Tomkinson – Merit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

The Author
John Curotta – Merit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

The Conversation
Dawn Woods – Merit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

Early morning rain
Barbara Fishley – Merit
B Grade Open

Purple rain
Gerard Taniane – Merit
B Grade Theme – Portrait

Photographer hard at work
Trish Curotta – Credit
A Grade Open

James Buda – Credit
A Grade Open

A Sombre Moment
Fiona Huddleston – Credit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

Fiona Huddleston – Credit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

Piqued Interest
Nicoline Kronast – Credit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

Christa Drysdale – Credit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

Trish Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

James Buda – Credit
A Grade Theme – Portrait

Tricky Lake View
Terence Saur – Credit
B Grade Open

Did you call me?
Kim Muller – Credit
B Grade Theme – Portrait

by Angela Kinnane, May 29, 2024

Results for competitions in April 2024 – PRINT

There were 18 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in April 2024 – PRINT

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Eyes on the prize
Kim Muller – Merit and Image of the Month
B Grade Open

Skull n Rose
Gerard Taniane – Merit and Image of the Month
B Grade Theme – Still Life

Purple Crowned Male Fairy Wren
Christa Drysdale – Merit
A Grade Open

Silk architect
Barry Tomkinson – Merit
A Grade Open

Floral Tea
Christa Drysdale – Merit
A Grade Theme – Still Life

Tea anyone
Angela Kinnane – Merit
A Grade Theme – Still Life

Scent and Beauty
Brigitte Nairn – Merit
A Grade Theme – Still Life

The Bouquet
Gerard Taniane – Merit
B Grade Theme – Still Life

Balls Pyramid
Angela Kinnane – Credit
A Grade Open

Stroll to Milton
Brigitte Nairn – Credit
A Grade Open

James Buda – Credit
A Grade Open

Once Upon a Time
Trish Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Still Life

Christa Drysdale – Credit
A Grade Theme – Still Life

Shadows and Light
Fiona Huddleston – Credit
A Grade Theme – Still Life

Suspended Flowers
Angela Kinnane – Credit
A Grade Theme – Still Life

Bubbles are Fun
Colleen Hume – Credit
B Grade Open

Through the eye of a needle
Barbara Fishley – Credit
B Grade Theme – Still Life

Through A Glass
Barbara Fishley – Credit
B Grade Theme – Still Life

by Angela Kinnane, April 23, 2024

Results for competitions in March 2024 DPI

There were 18 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in March 2024 DPI

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Birthday Girl
Barry Tomkinson – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Open

Charles Foreman – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

Sunrise Walks
Angela Kinnane – Merit
A Grade Open

Crimson Rosella
Jim Vouden – Merit
A Grade Open

Just Hanging Around
Fiona Huddleston – Merit
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

Joined at the Hip
Dawn Woods – Merit
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

Where’s the Rain
Gerard Taniane – Merit
B Grade Theme – Monochrome

Penny Tomkinson – Merit
B Grade Theme – Monochrome

Cormorant catch
Trish Curotta – Credit
A Grade Open

Another oil can refill
John Curotta – Credit
A Grade Open

Tender Trust
Brigitte Nairn – Credit
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

Let the Music Begin
Brigitte Nairn – Credit
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

John Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

Almost there
Barry Tomkinson – Credit
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

Kookaburra sits on an old dead tree
Ian Reichstein – Credit
A Grade Theme – Monochrome

Our Emblem
Kim Muller – Credit
B Grade Open

All Eyes on You
Penny Tomkinson – Credit
B Grade Open

Fathers pride
Penny Martel – Credit
B Grade Theme – Monochrome

by Trish Curotta, March 26, 2024

Results for competitions in February 2024 – PRINT- Feelings

There were 20 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in February 2024 – PRINT- Feelings

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Rufous Fantail
Dawn Woods – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Open

My Poker Face
Penny Martel – Merit and Image of the Month
B Grade Theme – Feelings

Twilight at the Bay
Fiona Huddleston – Merit
A Grade Open

Crossroads of Confusion
Fiona Huddleston – Merit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

Barry Tomkinson – Merit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

I did it
Sue Caine – Merit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

I think I can I must
Ian Reichstein – Merit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

Beaded Smile
Joycelyn Bowles – Merit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

Love and Devotion
Joycelyn Bowles – Merit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

31B_Open_Feeling Bubbly
Penny Tomkinson – Merit
B Grade Open

Joy Ride
Penny Martel – Merit
B Grade Theme – Feelings

Hot Hot Hot
Jim Vouden – Credit
A Grade Open

Baby Kaius being watched over by Au
Christa Drysdale – Credit
A Grade Open

Peace on the Cairns Esplanade
Angela Kinnane – Credit
A Grade Open

Heavy Lifter
Jim Vouden – Credit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

You what ?
John Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

Can I Take You Home ?
John Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

A New Day Dawns
Nicoline Kronast – Credit
A Grade Theme – Feelings

“Strike A Pose”
Kim Muller – Credit
B Grade Open

“Upset-Please No More Nana”
Kim Muller – Credit
B Grade Theme – Feelings

by Angela Kinnane, March 5, 2024

February Theme

Our first competition theme for 2024 is ‘Feelings’. This is a print night with images due by Monday 26th February.

A reminder to members that you are now required to upload ALL your images into the competition portal for both Print and DPI competitions.

Please reach out to your Competition Coordinator if you have any questions or require assistance.

by Angela Kinnane, January 8, 2024