There were 17 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in July 2024 – PRINT

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Night Work
Trish Curotta – Merit and Image of the Month
A Grade Open

Old Style Fishing
Gina Evans – Merit and Image of the Month
B Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Christa Drysdale_Open_Magic Forest
Christa Drysdale – Merit
A Grade Open

Mornings in the Mist
Nicoline Kronast – Merit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

red your the odd one out
Kim Muller – Merit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Blue,white and Red USA
Kim Muller – Merit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

She’s At The Centre Of My World
Terence (Terry) Saur – Merit
B Grade Open

Evening Mist
Nicoline Kronast – Credit
A Grade Open

All gassed out
Kim Muller – Credit
A Grade Open

Tower Splicing
Trish Curotta – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Vivid Harmony
Angela Kinnane – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

James Buda – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

lily livid
James Buda – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Dont forget your Hat and Coat
Jim Vouden – Credit
A Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Spinning Reels
Gina Evans – Credit
B Grade Open

Making Music
Colleen Hume – Credit
B Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition

Unusual Combination
Barbara Fishley – Credit
B Grade Theme – Colour Juxtaposition